Syntara Transmission Meditations


Emptiness Blossoming into Form

(11/18 Membership Meditation)

This is a powerful 20 min meditation/transmission out of Syntara Systems monthly membership. 
It is deeply relaxing, settling, aligning, clarifying and supportive. It is a great one to do as you go to sleep at night, to inspire your dreams and seed your coming day.

Relational Presence

(9/18 Membership Meditation)

This meditation comes from the Sept 2018 Syntara System Membership's monthly content. 
It is multilayered and has a lot to do with paradox and "Both/And" ways of being and thinking. It spans the gap between self and other and will be very helpful to all types of relationships.It offers resource to parts of self that may have been wounded in past relationship, places where we may have at one time abandoned ourselves.

Daily Moment- Human(ity) Kindness

This is a short, accessible, simple meditation to help center you and empower the goodness in people.

Daily Moment- Templates and Divine Support

This is a deeply nourishing, supportive and inspiring meditation that will help you connect to energetic templates for healing and wholeness for humanity at this time. It will also help to open and fortify connections with our energetic and spirit allies.