Syntara System is a deeply integrative, evolutionary energy healing modality that allows you to come into direct, co-creative relationship with the unseen forces that shape our world, Awakening you to an embodiment of the full potency of your being, Bringing clarity, connection, unshakeable stability and Joy.
A Two year professional training for Modern Mystics, Wisdom Keepers, Change Makers & Visionary Leaders
You, who have been called to take part in the great turning of these times. You, who have already dedicated yourself to your passions and creativity, in service to the whole.
This modality was created for you. To support you, inspire you, awaken and enrich you. And to help us all bring forth the world we know is possible.
It’s not easy living in evolutionary times. It isn’t easy being on the emergent edge, called to innovate new ways forward. And yet here you are… showing up, willing, excited and ready.
This vast body of work is a study in consciousness and embodiment, it facilitates stability through your personal evolution and grants pathways towards professional innovation, enrichment and empowerment for people in a variety of fields not limited to the healing arts.
Cultivate Conscious Community.
Develop Your Relationship to the Unseen Realms.
Our online community supports you in deepening your awareness of the unseen forces while building sacred community. Through courses, meditations, and teachings, our online offerings provide you with opportunities to practice Syntara skills, explore your deepest desires and values, and tap into cosmic support towards transforming your life and world.
A group is more than the sum of its parts. We are firm believers in the synastry and magic facilitated through communities. Engage with Syntara instructors and peers. This community allows you to deepen in your understanding, integration, and application of Syntara practices and principles.
We are living in a time of tremendous change. Our world is shifting rapidly and we are being asked to evolve, personally and professionally, to meet it. Inherent in the many crises of our times is tremendous opportunity. New pathways we would have never considered before are becoming possible. Syntara offers ways to work with the mystery, to lean into the unknown so that we can create a new emergent world together. We offer you a community space for support and engagement as we collectively discover a new way forward.

With the Online Membership you will receive:
In alignment with the energetic trends, Gitanjali, founder of Syntara System, offers live transmission teachings through a weekly meditation class, weekly movement class, and twice-monthly satsang. These transmissions will help you directly connect with the unseen realms. Each of these classes offers opportunity for integration, allowing the benefits to seep into your everyday life and the world around you.
Syntara System is an embodied system, bringing harmonic resonance from Source to every aspect of our being. Our integration classes help bring that coherence and harmony to our systems. In weekly practice class, we explore the energies in partnership (it is open to anyone who has completed “the Evolutionary Leap”). We also offer relational skills classes to bring the transmissions into our relationships.
Structures and maps
All members receive our foundational six-lesson self-paced course, “the Evolutionary Leap.” In this class, Ruthie shares the fundamental maps, principles, processes, and structures that underlie Syntara System, while Gitanjali shares the energetic transmissions. This gives you a shared language and felt sense of Syntara System that allows you to fully engage with the current transmissions and with the community.
Allow group’s synastry to aid your life journey. There are various opportunities to engage with Syntara teachers and peers. Ask questions to deepen your explorations. Share your insights and goals. Make connections and be held by others who share values of harmony, grace, and energetic alignment.

Awaken ✧ Integrate ✧ Embody ✧ Express
Gitanjali Hemp
Creator & Founder of Syntara System
At nineteen, a revered spiritual master told me that I would bring a new spiritually based healing modality to the world, and that it would be a medicine for the coming times.
I was told that it would be a healing modality in consciousness and embodiment. And that it would be for the people, for the planet and the interconnectedness of all of life.
This master would not be the only one to tell me this. This message would be reiterated in various ways by every master level teacher or healer that I would ever meet.
At the time, this was a terrifying prospect. Over the years I've kept this information close… until now.
“The entire Universe is whispering to us.
Galaxies of time and space,
infinite fields of glittering stars,
and all of creation,
lovingly calling us...
nourishing us...

Forgiveness can be an abstract concept. What does it even mean to forgive something or someone? How do we forgive the unforgivable? Sometimes we get confused….. thinking it means to forget, to let go, to be done, to walk away, to ‘turn the other cheek’, to bypass, to ignore….But often we miss something in the process. This isn’t real forgiveness… This isn’t the Divine Transfiguration that’s possible for us.